Learn how to use the Availability report on the Acuity Pricing platform.
The Availability report allows you to view product availability at an SKU level on a daily basis.
- Report Tabs
- Report Tabs: Summary
- Report Tabs: Details
- Report Export
- Hints and Tips
Availability report
Users can utilise this tool in the platform tool to:
- View product availability at an SKU level across yours and competitors’ ranges.
- Identify trends in stock levels across specific retailers.
- Support strategic decision making such as range reviews.
- Analyse historical availability patterns to assess a retailer's stock performance over time.
Report Tabs
Most reports offer tabbed sections, which provide more in-depth results for a given query.
Within the Availability report there are Summary and Details tabs that helps users to visualise data easily.
Summary Tab
Latest Stock Status:
The Latest Stock Status displays the stock status of your selection at the end date of your analysis period.
You can view by brand, manufacturer, retailer, cluster tag or attribute. This can be displayed by either percentage or count.
Click compare dates to compare the stock status at the beginning of the analysis period to the stock status at the end of the analysis period.
Availability Over Time:
The Availability Over Time tab displays the average availability as a percentage over the date range selected.
The average is calculated by looking at every SKU in the selection every day and identifying how many of those days the product was available for and displaying that as a percentage.
The charts can be displayed by brand, manufacturer, retailer or cluster tag and can then be grouped by average, brand, manufacturer or cluster tag.
Details Tab
The Details tab shows the status of each SKU per retailer at the end of the analysis period. The status could be: in stock, out of stock, not listed, delisted or unavailable (description of each status at the end of the article.)
As well as displaying the current stock status, the details tab also shows the average availability per product.
To see a breakdown of this per day, click on the % and then hover over the bar chart in the pop-up window. This will show the status of the product each day. At the end of the product name there is a link through to the product page on the retailer site, and below that there is a link to the product dashboard.
You can sort the results by clicking on the retailer header. This can be sorted by latest stock status or availability over time.
You also have the option to only show a certain % availability using the 'only show' dropdown – for example you could choose to only show products with an average availability of less than 60%.
In some cases there may be a product that has lower than 60% availability in one retailer but higher than 60% in another.
In this case the retailer that has higher than 60% availability will show as excluded as it does not fit the selection criteria, but it still shows that product is stocked in that retailer.
Report Export
The first tab of the export displays the latest availability. This shows the stock status at the end of the analysis period. This also includes the last seen date of the product.
The second tab shows the availability over time, showing the average availability in the time period selected per SKU.
The final tab shows the availability calendar. This is a daily view of the availability per SKU per retailer.
To see the daily view, click on the plus icon in the top right-hand corner to expand the hidden rows.
Availability – Hints and Tips
Stock Status Definitions:
- In Stock: The product is on the website available to buy today.
- Out of Stock: The product is on the website but is not available to buy today - this is usually indicated by text such as out of stock, not available etc.
Note: the product must have a price to be considered on the website. - Unavailable: The product has not been seen on the website today, however it has not yet been off the website for the length of the delist period.
- Delisted: The product has been either in stock or out of stock in the date range selected but has then not been seen on the website for the delist period.
- Not listed: The product has not been seen on the website at any point in the date range selected.
View Additional Options:
To change the 'available for' status, go to view additional options and select the required dropdown.
Period item was listed: This will only calculate the percentage of time available for when the product was listed. For example, if the date range was the last 30 days but the product was delisted 20 days into the date range it will only work out the availability for the 20 days it was listed.
Full analysis period: This will calculate the availability for the full date range selected, regardless of whether the product has been delisted at any point.