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2.10 Assortment

Learn how to use the Assortment report on the Acuity Pricing platform.

The Assortment report provides users with a quick and easy way to review changes in range across retailers. Follow the steps below to learn how to use the report.


  • Benefits of using the Assortment report

  • Report Tabs
  • Report Tabs: Summary
  • Report Tabs: Details 
  • Report Export 

Assortment report 

Users can utilise this tool in the platform tool to:

  • Support and inform range reviews.
  • Understand competitor range changes.
  • Understand range changes over time.
  • Identify the SKUs that have been removed/added.

Report Tabs

Most reports offer tabbed sections, which provide more in-depth results for a given query.

Within the Assortment report there are the Summary and Details tabs that helps users to visualise data easily.

Summary Tab

The Summary tab displays the total number of products per retailer at the end date of your date range selection split by either brand, manufacturer or attribute. This can be displayed as a count or a percentage.

Tick 'Show Data Labels' to see the product counts in numbers on the chart.


Click 'Compare Dates' to display the assortment at the start date compared with the assortment at the end date.


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The Assortment Change tab displays the change between the start and the end date displayed by manufacturer, brand, or attribute.


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Details Tab

The Details Tab displays the status of each product per retailer during the date range selected. The status types are listed, delisted, relisted, not listed and new listing. If the product is Out Of Stock the status will be shown with a score through. If a product is relisted, delisted or a new listing during the period the date will also be given underneath the status.


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  • The data export has two tabs, Assortment and Assortment Change.
  • The Assortment tab displays the status of the product at the start and end date including the stock status and last seen date. The stock status is not displayed if the product state is delisted or not listed. This is a simple way to view the data and compare between retailers at SKU level.
  • The Assortment tab also allows you to easily identify products that have changed status between the start and end date - i.e. show the products that were listed at the start date and were not listed at the end date and vice versa.
    To do this, firstly expand the start date data by clicking on the plus symbol above the retailer name. Then filter on 'listed' in the start date and 'delisted/not listed' in the end date. You will then see all of the products that have been removed from the retailer's range during that time period.
  • The Assortment Change tab shows the status of the product and if there has been any changes (new listing, relisting, delisting). The date of any change will be displayed in a hidden column between Status and Last Seen Date – click the plus symbol above the retailer name to view.